Café Corazón Westport
This location is currently available for rent during open hours 7am-6pm & after-hours 7pm-10-pm. Maximum occupancy: 40 people (900sqft). Rental period INCLUDES set-up/tear-down time
Contact dulcinea@cafecorazonkc.com for space rental or call (575)779.0441
Location: 1721 Westport Rd Kansas City, MO 64111
Amenities provided:
Wheelchair accessible
1 restrooms
Sonos speaker system (discuss to set up ahead of time)
1 staff member required at each event for the duration of the event
Additional cost for staffing may be applied
Must be added at time of agreement
Brewed Coffee/ tea Canisters in room, by request, price variable upon order
Pastry Plates, price variable upon order
Food Catering, price variable upon order
Coffee Bar (your guests pay for all orders) plus a charge for staff- beyond 3 hours additional staffing charge
Coffee Bar (renter pays for all orders) - Credit card for tab must be provided prior to the start of an event